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A escrita ensinou-me...

agosto 31, 2016
Na escola sempre tive a audácia de pesquisar novas matérias e fazer incessantes perguntas sobre temas que me fascinavam. Fui crescendo e ga...
A escrita ensinou-me... A escrita ensinou-me... Reviewed by Anônimo on agosto 31, 2016 Rating: 5

Why I wanted to go to Ghana?

agosto 30, 2016
When I got home after attending Yali Regional Leadership training in South Africa everything at home seemed pointless. I was depressed beca...
Why I wanted to go to Ghana? Why I wanted to go to Ghana? Reviewed by Anônimo on agosto 30, 2016 Rating: 5

What have I done to you?

agosto 29, 2016
I remember that day...the day they all started the campaign against me and you were there in the crowd, the biggest supporter. You ...
What have I done to you? What have I done to you? Reviewed by Anônimo on agosto 29, 2016 Rating: 5

Do you love me?

agosto 29, 2016
When I was young I was afraid of everything, afraid of the dark, of getting old, missing recess, etc. In school, I always feared th...
Do you love me? Do you love me? Reviewed by Anônimo on agosto 29, 2016 Rating: 5

A visible scar...

agosto 29, 2016
I remember when my back pain started and it was unbearable. I struggled with it for one year then I finally decided to go to the doc...
A visible scar... A visible scar... Reviewed by Anônimo on agosto 29, 2016 Rating: 5

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About me

I am willing to share my own stories and use my platform to talk about movies, books, music, volunteering, traveling and relationships.

My first publication was a fiction novel ‘Sem Valor’ (meaning Worthless) where I addressed autism and prostitution; wrote a short-fiction story ‘Hello. My name is Thulani’ featured on ‘Aerial 2018’ about transgender issues and represents an allegory of identity crisis, meaning everyone is in transition to something; co-authored with six African authors on a motivational book ‘Destiny Sagacity’ about the power of destiny; my memoir ‘The story is about me’ tells my adventures volunteering in Uganda and staying with a family in the village of Wakiso; and my recent offering “Read my Book’ is a fictional approach to apartheid.

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